Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why is a Computer Virus is Called a "Virus"

All of you might know about computer virus. Have you ever thought why is it called a VIRUS.

Let me explain.

First of all let me make you clear about the Computer virus. A computer Virus is a kind of malware, and a small program which will infect through an INFECTED file or a program mainly via internet or Flash drives(most frequently through this means these days) to a healthy or already infected System. The infected system is may be a Desktop or a server mainly running a Windows OS.

Wikipedia definition for a Computer Virus
"A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive."

From above definition you came to know that a Computer Virus needs a host program to spread. It can't be active without a host program. But it can copy itself to the entire system which other malware programs like ADWARE and SPYWARE can't do.

Now about a Virus. It is Organic compound consisting of Nuclei acids embedded in the core of Lipo-polysaccharide shell. The Virus is inactive outside a host cell or living cell. It is harmless outside the living cell. But when it infects a cell, it takes control over the functions of that infected cell and makes it to work for the virus! It uses the genetic material of host cell to multiply and finally may kill the host. You are also aware of the fact that the Virus can spread from any route possible. But it needs a host cell to reproduce.

The truth is that
"basically, the virus rapes your cell. Then your cell has rape babies"

Best way to get rid of a Computer Virus is using a good antivirus Software like Avira. To download Avira click the image below for a discount.

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